CLIMATE WATCH Volunteers in the field look for certain bird species to help document birds’ responses to Climate Change. Dunes-Calumet is organizing field surveys for White-breasted Nuthatch and Eastern Bluebird within our jurisdiction of Lake and Porter Counties. Volunteers go out once during May 15-June 15 to an assigned area. Within that area there are 12 stops where they will look and listen for birds for 5 minutes, and record what they can identify. This information is compiled as a checklist on eBird from which researchers will use the information. The winter survey period is January 15 – February 15. If you would like to be a Climate Watch Volunteer or would like to know more, please contact Kim Ehn at [email protected] White-breasted Nuthatch Survey Areas 856 Oak Ridge Prairie 858 Deep River 859 Valparaiso 877 Gibson Woods 878 Miller Woods 879 West Beach 880 Chesterton 881 Jackson-La Porte 901 IDSP State Park 902 Streibel-Beverly Shores Eastern Bluebird Survey Areas 792 Grand Kankakee 856 Oak Ridge Prairie 858 Hobart East 859 Valparaiso 877 Gibson Woods 878 Miller Woods 879 West Beach 880 Chesterton 901 State & National Parks 902 Reynolds Creek